Welcome to WiseBrain, bringing you skillful means for happiness, love, and wisdom – from the fertile common ground of psychology, neurology, and contemplative practice.
Everything here is offered freely, and you are welcome to share it with others (with appropriate acknowledgment of authorship, please). To contact us, please visit the Contact Us page
On this website, you will find:
- Effortless Effort: The Wise Effort of No-Self Meditation and Discussion and Talk and Q&A – See Videos Here (11/29/23)
- A growing body of information about the neuroscience of psychological well-being and spiritual growth.
- Resources from the world’s great contemplative traditions, with an emphasis on actual practice.
- Archived copies of the monthly Wise Brain Bulletin, full of useful information and methods for your personal well-being, relationships, work, and spiritual interests; you can subscribe here (and you can opt out any time).
- Articles by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. and Rick Mendius, MD.
- Materials from the past Train Your Brain series.
- The latest Brain FAQ and Slide shows.
- Links to The Brain in the News from around the net.
- Links to major internet resources for psychology, neuroscience, and the contemplative traditions.
- Information about The Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom – sponsor of this website.
We emphasize a rational perspective, evidence-based methods, and respect for the great diversity of what works best for different people.
In the 21st century, modern brain science and ancient contemplative wisdom are illuminating each other. Besides being fascinating in its own right, this cross-fertilization and growing integration spotlights increasingly effective ways for using your mind to change your brain to benefit your whole being – and those you touch.
And in a world that sometimes seems overwhelmed by stress, greed, fear, and violence – this emerging science of mind may help nurture in it greater understanding, compassion, and peacefulness.
We choose and sculpt how our ever-changing minds will work. We choose who we will be the next moment, in a very real sense, and these choices are left embossed in physical form on our
material selves.
– Michael Merzenich
The history of science is rich in the example of the fruitfulness of bringing two sets of techniques, two sets of ideas, developed in separate contexts for the pursuit of new truth, into touch with one another.
– J. Robert Oppenheimer Buy Instagram Followers